This is a list of everything I have planned or to come (TK). It's also a to do list on what I have currently.

Vines divider


Green heart divider

This section is for everything I need to do on current pages.

Add alt text to all pages Status: Active

Change any image links to on my website or imgbox if they aren't Status: Active

Make Gold's MySpace shrine Status: WIP

List of favorite slash ships Status: WIP


Green heart divider

This section is for everything I plan to eventually do, so everything that is to come (TK).

Language learning resources This includes Japanese, Chinese, Irish, Lushootseed, Hebrew, British English, Welsh, Scots, and Gaelic.

TK Neocities resources

Web browser games A list of web browser-based games. Currently working on a list of Wordle inspired games.

WatchlistEverything that's on my watchlist page needs to be updated
Femslash Start my list of favorite femslash ships